Monday, December 14, 2009

Women Not Immune to PTSD

While I was on, I came accross an article entitled "Women not immune to PTSD." Of course, now being the aware feminist I am as a result of this class, I had to click on it. In the article, they interview June Moss, who is a veteran of Kosovo, went back to Iraq in 2003. At the beginning of the video, they describe her experience and Campbell Brown says, "She was scared everyday." Immediately, red lights flashed in my mind. Would she have said that if she were interviewing a man? I doubt it. Basically, the article was about how women are susceptible to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder just as men are. DUH! We're both human! I also noticed a lot of attention was paid to the fact that she distanced herself from her family and could was no longer interested in shopping. I highly doubt that they would point out the fact that a man was no longer interested in shopping after coming back from Iraq. I just feel it's odd that they needed to write a story on the fact that women are just like men and experience the same thing men do. That seems like common sense to me.

Tiger Woods

So, we all know how much Tiger Woods has been in the news lately. A basic overview: Tiger Woods is a pig. Depending on when I write this blog, there could be more women to come forward alleging an affair with the famous golfer. The biggest question I have is WHY would you ruin your seemingly perfect career, family and potentially life all for an affair? What drives affairs and why does it seem that it is all-too-often men having the affair on the woman?
I have always been a Tiger fan. The man appeared perfect (key word: appeared). Now, I can't stand him. I cannot imagine the embarrassment his wife, Elin must feel. Not only is she embarrassed, but she now has to figure out how to handle the situation with regards to her child. The thing I hate the most about this whole situation is the fact that society will judge her for whatever she does. Who really knows the right way to handle the situation? Shoudl she leave him? I'm not really sure how I feel about that. I think that every infidelity situation is different. I think it's incredibly easy to judge others, but until we ourselves are in the position, it's impossible to say one way or another what someone else who is going through it should do. I do think it's good on Tiger's part to take a break from golf, as I'm sure some outraged people would probably make a scene if he did try to continue golfing.
In a statement released on his website, Tiger says: "I need to focus my attention on being a better husband, father, and person." I'm not really sure if I believe his sincerity. I feel like that statement was something his PR department put together to help salvage what is left of this career. I really cant understand how people go on for so long having an affair with someone and are not remorseful, but the minute they are caught, are automatically ready to "focus their attention" on being a better person. Sounds pretty ridiculous to me.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

"Get Mommed"

So, I just watched a commercial for Kleenex Tissue. the slogan they have started using is "Get Mommed." As discussed in previous blogs, I can't do anything anymore without thinking of this class. So the question arose in my mind, "Why is it "mommed"?! In the commercial, they show all of these moms and they are all smiling a sweet smile and doing stereotypical tasks that moms do (i.e. laundry, helping their children etc...) This made me wonder, what if they made a commercial where the slogan was "Get Dadded"? What would they have dads doing? In my opinion, they would probably have them showing their son how to use tools or sitting in front of the T.V. or something of that manner. This is just a prime example of why society thinks the way it does. We have stereotypes because they are encouraged by the media! Things will never change if the media doesn't encourage that change and continues to be the forefront of our biases.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


So, as it turns out, I cant even have Thanksgiving with my family without thinking about this Women's Studies class. One huge thing I noticed about Thanksgiving was that only the women cooked... AND CLEANED. My family isn't very big; it consists of my grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousin, mom and stepdad. So, there are 3 men and 5 women. I guess that may be part of it. But even though my grandma has been sick, she still cooks. I know she is set in her ways and thinks it's easier for her to cook than to try to explain to my grandfather exactly how to do everything, but I also feel like that is an excuse. At times, I think my grandpa plays dumb. I feel like this is true in society as well. I think sometimes, men pretend not to know how to do common household chores (i.e.: laundry, loading the dishwasher, etc...) so that they can get out of doing these tasks. WHY IS THIS OKAY?? I have noticed it with my mom and stepdad as well. She seems to ALWAYS be the one making dinner. I feel like the only way men will cook is if there is a grill involved--- and why is that anyways? What is men's obsession with a grill?! (Sorry, I got a little off-track).

Back to what I was saying. We had a huge thanksgiving meal, and not one single thing was made by any of the men in the family. The thing that made me the most mad, though, was that all 5 of us were in the kitchen getting everything ready, and my grandma says "Ok, make your grandpa a plate!" I literally asked her if she was joking, and then told my grandpa to fix his own plate. I told him he would be the talk of my Women's Studies class, but instead, I'll just turn this circumstance into a blog. I just dont understand why things are this way. The more I realize it, every dinner we have ever had is this way. It's just not right. It makes me so mad!.... especially when I had to do the dishes afterwards.