Sunday, November 1, 2009

Stupid Boys

Tonight, I'd just like to talk about something I metioned in class. Lately, I have been to more than a few seminars about Women's self-empowerment and it begs the question: "Why are there so many of these seminars for women and not men?"
I recently attended a seminar called "Girls Night Out." Marian Jordan was the speaker, and she spoke about respecting yourself. She described to us the way she acted in college (very promiscuous) and talked about how that affected her life. She went on to talk to us about sex and what a big deal having sex with someone is. All the while I sat there wondering, "What if guys could hear this?" I would be interested to know what a guy thought about her talk. Do they see sex as a big deal? Would it affect them? Would they treat girls differently if they knew the damage they could do? Im still not sure that some of them would care, which raises a question in my head. Why are girls and guys so different? In my experience, it seems like girls tend to care more in relationships, think sex is a big deal (more so than guys) and overall it seems like girls are constantly the ones being taken advantage of. WHY IS THIS!? I once heard that the power in the relationship lies with the one who cares less. It seems like that is a "Catch 22." The one who cares more gets hurt the worst. Furthermore, that statement basically means that you should try to care less because that way you can guard your heart. This is all a psychological game! Why cant people just be in relationships with full force and an open heart?
As I type this blog, yet another question comes to mind. Would a guy sit down at a computer and type this blog with the passion and curiosity that I am right now? And if a guy were to read this blog, what would his response be? Am I being to judgmental or making assumptions that are simply untrue? I would hope that if a guy could read this, he might be changed by something I said, but I feel like most of the guys I know would either roll their eyes or laugh.

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