Sunday, October 25, 2009

Still Confused, but Trying :)

I feel like I am always so confused with this blog thing. I can never remember my username and password or when/what we are supposed to blog about. It also turns out that some of the blogs I thought I posted were actually only "Saved"... which is no good. Ugh.

Tonight, I just want to blog about our Thursday class. I was completely disturbed by the pornography presentation we were shown. I was not so much bothered by the fact that we were shown this as I was bothered by the fact that it is out there and available to the public. I must be extremely sheltered, but I had NO IDEA pornography of that type was out there. I am absolutely baffled.
One site that really bothered me was the one about the Father/Daughter sex. NO WONDER PEOPLE IN TODAY'S SOCIETY ARE SO SCREWED UP!! I cannot believe people would actually want to look at something like this. No wonder child abuse is such a problem. I can't imagine the type of man who would subject himself to this type of pornography, let alone the kind of person who thinks of it and produces it in the first place. It's mortifying. I seriously just cant get this out of my head.
Another thing that I really hated about the presentation was the fact that so many girls were physically crying in the pictures shown. They looked absolutely miserable and it made me so sad. How could someone let their lives come to posing with a penis in their mouth and crying? Girls have GOT to start having more respect for themselves.
I also hated that a lot of the sites called girls really offensive and degrading names. So many websites talked about "dumb sluts" or "stupid bitches." Im completely outraged. I understand Freedom of Speech and as a Public Relations major, I take that right very seriously... but I HATE that people are allowed to post such horrible things on the internet. It's a Catch 22. No wonder so many men have become "desensitized" with regards to the way a woman deserves to be treated.
After that class, I have a completely different view of the porn inustry. I always thought it was bad, but I never knew why. Now, I am completely against it and think it is entirely wrong. I wish it could be done away with altogether. I feel like a lot of problems in the world would be resolved.

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